Quit Nicotine

Website design and development for a health campaign

The Quit-Nicotine.com campaign needed a powerful and user-friendly website, serving as its central online platform. Its primary goal was to educate users on the detrimental effects of nicotine and offer clear, practical steps towards cessation. Dr. Yarbrough, a cardiologist and the Quit-Nicotine.com founder, launched the campaign after observing a significant link between nicotine use and cardiovascular disease in patients. He wanted the website to emphasize these heart-related implications, often overshadowed by the focus on lung cancer and respiratory effects.

Discovery and Strategy

We kicked off the project with a discovery workshop to better understand the campaign's objectives, overall message, and target audience. With Dr. Yarbrough’s help, we explored the relevant medical concepts and delved into the harmful effects of nicotine. Our team's primary goal was to present the data in an engaging way that would encourage and motivate users to quit nicotine.

Brand Definition

Content Writing

Our content creation process involved highlighting the cardiovascular impact of smoking, emphasizing that lung cancer is not the sole health risk associated with nicotine use. We incorporated relatable analogies, moving beyond conventional statistics, and provided historical and political context for nicotine use to challenge the perception of its safety. Additionally, we distilled complex medical topics into clear summaries and takeaways.

Design and Illustration

Our team created custom illustrations designed to highlight key concepts and break up the website copy, enhancing the overall engagement. Then we executed page designs in Figma, creating an interactive prototype for feedback before transitioning to site development.


Using Webflow, we built the site with clear, prominent calls-to-action to assist users in finding the resources for quitting nicotine. We also created a calendar widget, integrated through Eventbrite, to enable users to register for the Quit-Nicotine.com seminars online.

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A high-impact website, developed in Webflow, with a strong emphasis on storytelling, empowerment, and education.

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