February 21, 2024

Why Your New Website Isn’t Showing Up in Google Search Results

Launching your website marks a major business milestone, representing months of hard work and anticipation. Yet, after the grand reveal, the challenge is making sure customers can find your site. While you might expect to instantly appear in relevant search results, that’s rarely the case. Let’s uncover why your website's Google recognition is delayed and learn how to boost your search result rankings, giving your digital debut the spotlight it deserves.

Indexing Challenges

Your new website may not be showing up on search results because it simply takes time to catch Google's attention. Google needs to index your website, a process that can last a few hours or a few weeks. During indexing, Google bots visit, analyze, and add your site's information to the search engine's database. Fortunately, there is a way to speed up this process by submitting your website to Google Search Console. This free and simple process informs Google that you have a new website ready for crawling and indexing.

Content Quality

Google’s algorithms prioritize high-quality, relevant website content that adds value to users. New websites often falter in search results because of insufficient information, particularly common with one-page websites. To enhance your website's visibility, ensure it contains valuable content and incorporates essential SEO keywords relevant to your industry. Compile a list of keywords for your website by considering what terms people might use when searching for your content. For instance, if you own a web design company, you could include keywords like website and web design. If you are a financial advisor, you could use words like financial planning, retirement, and investing. For a more analytical approach, explore tools such as SEMrush or Ahrefs.

Technical Issues

Technical glitches may hinder your site's ranking in Google search results. Broken links, slow page load times, and 404 errors can diminish the perceived usefulness of your site. Identifying and addressing these issues is crucial. Here are some quick and easy fixes to try:

  • To identify broken links (i.e., links that point to a page or resource that doesn’t exist), we suggest using a tool like Screaming Frog, Broken Link Checker, or SEMrush. Once you’ve identified the broken links, you can log into your website editor or contact your developer to replace the broken link with the correct link.
  • To address slow load times, first check the size of your images and videos, because this may cause them to load slowly. To compress/optimize the size of images, use a tool like TinyPNG. For videos, upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo, and then embed the YouTube or Vimeo frame on the website. If this doesn’t improve your page load times, there may be an issue with how your website was built (i.e., using poor development practices) or your hosting provider, and you may want to reach out to an expert. 
  • To fix 404 errors, you will need to set up page redirects, which redirect users from the broken link to the correct link. Depending on how your site was built, your website platform may have a URL redirects tool built-in (this is the case with Webflow and Shopify). For WordPress sites, the best method is to install the Redirection plugin. (Pro tip: after you set up these redirects, you will want to re-index the site in Google Search Console so that Google algorithms note the change).

Ongoing Marketing and SEO

Building a quality website is just the beginning—maintaining high Google search rankings demands continuous marketing efforts. The more visitors your site attracts, the more Google takes notice, leading to higher rankings and increased organic search visibility. Strategic ways to drive traffic to your website include newsletter marketing, social media ads, pay-per-click campaigns, word-of-mouth referrals, and building quality backlinks (inbound links from other websites to yours). Establishing a Google My Business profile is a game-changer, enhancing your visibility and providing a platform for showcasing customer reviews. Always keep the traffic flowing to your website—it's the secret for sustained success.

Closing Thoughts 

If your new website isn’t ranking in Google search results, don’t worry––there are many steps you can take: expedite indexing through Google Search Console, optimize your content with relevant keywords, address technical glitches, and consistently implement effective marketing and SEO strategies. Most importantly, remember to be patient. Establishing an online presence is not an instantaneous feat, but a journey that demands dedication, adaptability, and a keen eye for optimization. Embrace these solutions and watch as your new website captures the attention of both Google and your users.

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